S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Successful management of acetaminophen toxicity in a cat David Karunyakaran H, Gowri B, Aravindh G, Thirumoorthy M, Vijayabhaskar G and Srinath AA Pages: 206-207 | 54 Views 12 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Socio-economic profile of the traditional veterinary healers, scope of ethno veterinary medicine and traditional veterinary healers in Thanjavur, Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam districts of Tamil Nadu M Vinothini, N Narmatha, C Manivannan, V Ranganathan and R Velusamy Pages: 208-211 | 45 Views 7 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Otoacariasis in a Persian cat: A case report S Ramesh, R Sindhu, A Balakumar, S Preetha and C Soundararajan Pages: 212-214 | 19 Views 8 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Performance of jersey crossbred cattle in the North-Western Zone of Tamil Nadu under semi-arid climatic conditions V Boopathi, V Ramesh, S Ramakrishnan, R Sakthivadivu, C Nithya and S Sathiyabharathi Pages: 215-218 | 36 Views 5 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Influencing factors on the consumption pattern of milk and milk products in Kerala, India Vijin VL, Alimudeen S, Namratha Valsalan, Femi Francis and Kavitha Rjagopal Pages: 219-221 | 16 Views 4 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Evaluation of anti-stress supplements on growth performance of early weaned piglets Vijin VL, Balusami C and Namratha Valsalan Pages: 222-225 | 14 Views 3 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Evaluation of Intramammary ozone therapy for clinical mastitis in dairy cows AS Wakade, BN Ambore, GD Wankhede, ST Borikar, MN Rangnekar and PP Mhase Pages: 226-229 | 138 Views 10 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Studies on the prevalence of paratuberculosis in Holstein-Friesian cows in an organized dairy farm and its hematological variations Sravani G and PI Ganesan Pages: 230-232 | 13 Views 2 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Effect of supplementation of Paneer whey on growth performance of Srinidhi AG Dabhekar, AT Shinde, DS Chauhan, NS Pawar and KR Chavan Pages: 233-237 | 11 Views 1 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Effect of supplementation of buttermilk as feed additive on growth performance of Giriraja poultry birds PS Thakare, SP Nage, SR Shegokar, NS Chore and MR Wade Pages: 238-240 | 10 Views 2 Downloads | Country: India | India |