S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Diagnosis and clinico-therapeutic management of Toxocara canis infection in a dog: A case report Saindla Rakesh, Aditya Pratap, Amita Tiwari, Brejesh Singh, Kabita Roy, Ithrineni Karthik, Salil Kumar Pathak and Srashty Singh Pages: 364-366 | 337 Views 10 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Successful surgical retrieval of sewing needle from stomach of A Shih TZU Dog M Sravanti, Etikala Venkatesh, Lella Lokesh, P Santosh, K Mohanambal and Karlapudi Satish Kumar Pages: 367-370 | 365 Views 28 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Hematobiochemical alterations in hypertensive dogs V Sai Charitha and K Satish Kumar Pages: 373-375 | 279 Views 7 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Economics and effect of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root powder on mortality of kuroiler chicks Jagpal Jogi, Mahesh Datt, Manish Kumar Duria and Rinku Choudhary Pages: 376-379 | 281 Views 5 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Effect of feeding Moringa leaves to Sirohi goat kids on their growth performance Anita Kumari Meena, Mahendra Singh and Deepak Kumar Pages: 380-383 | 395 Views 19 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Effect of PUFA on ovarian morphometry and haemodynamics in repeat breeding cows M Murugan, R Ezakial Napolean, M Selvaraju, P Selvaraj and P Ponnusamy Pages: 384-386 | 452 Views 10 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Successful management of hydrallantois in a Macheri ewe M Periyannan, EL Aruneshwaran, M Selvaraju, M Murugan, K Senthilkumar, D Gopikrishnan and G Sathriyan Pages: 387-389 | 349 Views 11 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Isolation of mycoplasma species from respiratory infections of sheep and goats Raja Deepika, Vijayalakshmi S, Nagendra reddy T and Siva Swetha C Pages: 390-393 | 286 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Successful retrieval of mummified fetus and rejuvenation of fertility in a Holstein Friesiean crossbred cow G Sathriyan, M Murugan, M Periyannan, M Selvaraju, EL Aruneshwaran, K Senthilkumar and M Palanisamy Pages: 394-395 | 166 Views 7 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Histopathological changes in heart induced by lead and thiram alone and combined exposure in broilers Dr. Veldi Pavani, Dr. M Lakshman, Dr. D Madhuri and Dr. A Gopala Reddy Pages: 396-398 | 260 Views 7 Downloads | Country: India | India |