S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Estimation of rectal temperature of pigs from the surface temperature Valavan P, Roshin Anie Jose, John Abraham, Vishnu Savanth, Lali F Anand, Gopikrishnan P, Nisha TS and Manish M Pages: 01-03 | 330 Views 99 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Clinical management of postpartum uterine prolapse in goats CS Azad, D Sengupta, SK Sheetal, Anil Kumar and Ankesh Kumar Pages: 04-06 | 212 Views 31 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Effect of cool roof technology on physiological and production performance of Sahiwal zebu cows Dr. MI Syed, SS Lathwal, Pawan Singh and GJ Panchbhai Pages: 07-09 | 257 Views 22 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Subacute intravenous dose toxicity evaluation of nanoselenium particles in rabbits DP Patil, M Usharani, Gopala Reddy A, B Kalakumar, GK Sawale, SV Londhe and SN Rindhe Pages: 10-17 | 234 Views 19 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | A clinical study on the hemato-biochemical changes in Sirohi goat infected with Johne’s disease in an organized livestock farm PI Ganesan and Sravani G Pages: 18-20 | 177 Views 13 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | A retrospective study on mild, moderate, and severe leucocytosis in dogs S Gurunadham, Dr. Nasreen A and GV Sadasiva Rao Pages: 21-22 | 173 Views 18 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Assessment of anthelmintic potential (In vitro) of Curcuma longa on gastrointestinal strongyles of goats N Yadav, S Nath, G Das, S Kumar, R Verma, V Punia, D Kumawat, N Reddy and S Mandal Pages: 23-27 | 179 Views 27 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Clinical management of babesiosis in dogs through blood transfusion: A case study MA Patel, SD Bhoya, SM Parmar, HC Parmar, SA Mehta, MD Patel and JA Vala Pages: 28-30 | 208 Views 18 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Assessment and utilization of tree and shrub forages as livestock feed in Kenya: A review Ondiek JO Pages: 31-39 | 184 Views 26 Downloads | Country: Kenya | Kenya |
10 | Isoflurane sparing effect of a multimodal analgesic protocol for ovariohysterectomy in dogs Soumya Ramankutty, S Anoop, Syam K Venugopal, MK Narayanan, AR Nisha and R Radhika Pages: 40-44 | 342 Views 17 Downloads | Country: India | India |