S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Effect of chemical composition of different ingredients and micro and macro climatic data on the time duration of compost making IA Baba, MT Banday, IU Sheikh, RA Patoo, Z Anjum and SM Ramzan Pages: 01-04 | 356 Views 13 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Chemical evaluation of unripen jackfruit silage and jackfruit residue silage as unconventional feed resource for livestock production Suma N, Arun P Nath, Basavaraj Chittaragi, Chethan KP and Manju GU Pages: 05-06 | 435 Views 15 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Application of fermentation technology in poultry feed for the sustainable poultry industry: A review Dr. Ratna Supriya, Dr. Vemula Sravathi, Dr. Poloju Deepa, Dr. Koppu Vasavi, Dr. Katam Divya and Dr. Palak Tripathi Pages: 07-14 | 556 Views 18 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Blood biochemical parameters of Sirohi goats reared on grazing versus stall feeding system in Vindhya plateau region of central India Sonu Kumar Yadav, Anjani Kumar Mishra, Upendra Singh Narwaria, Jeetendra Singh Rajoriya, Brijesh Kumar Ojha, Pramod Sharma, Anil Kumar Singh and Nishtha Kushwah Pages: 15-19 | 407 Views 22 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Production practices of sheep farmers Dr. G Triveni and Dr. GRK Sharma Pages: 20-23 | 383 Views 3 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | L-Homoarginine: An overview and its application in animal nutrition C Vinaya Sree, Swathi Bommu, Kala Kumar B and Ashok Kumar D Pages: 24-26 | 387 Views 10 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Management of Bartholin's gland cyst: A study of six cases R Ruthrakumar, M Selvaraju, M Palanisamy, S Manokaran, D Gopikrishnan and R Ezakial Napolean Pages: 27-28 | 419 Views 9 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Lathyrus sativus: An orphan or wonder crop Vinaya Sree C Pages: 29-31 | 316 Views 5 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Study of the backyard poultry management practices in Bidar district of Karnataka Sunilkumar, Vivek M Patil, Prashant Waghmare, Satish Chandra Biradar, Prakashkumar Rathod, Channappagouda Biradar and Vidyasagar Pages: 32-36 | 378 Views 7 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Successful surgical retrieval of intestinal foreign body in a Labrador dog: A case report M Vijayakumar, A Velavan, S Kandasamy, A Kumaresan, S Kathirvel, S Kokila, D Sumathi and S Dharmaceelan Pages: 37-39 | 482 Views 16 Downloads | Country: India | India |