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Vol. 8, Special Issue 5, Part A (2023)

Successful surgical retrieval of intestinal foreign body in a Labrador dog: A case report

Author(s): M Vijayakumar, A Velavan, S Kandasamy, A Kumaresan, S Kathirvel, S Kokila, D Sumathi and S Dharmaceelan
Abstract: Dogs have indiscriminate feeding habits and often swallow non edible foreign body. A two and half-year-old male Labrador dog was presented to the veterinary clinical complex, Veterinary College and Research Institute Namakkal with a history of anorexia and not voiding faeces. Ultrasonography revealed distended intestinal loops cranial to the hyperechoic shadowing area measuring about 6 cm. Rectal examination revealed an empty rectum. Plain radiography revealed no significant findings. Further contrast radiography study suggested of intestinal stasis. Haemato- Biochemical parameters evaluated were within the normal range. Under general anaesthesia using propofol and maintenance of Isoflurane gas midline celiotomy was performed. Enterotomy was performed and the foreign body socks was removed successfully. Intestine was closed by single layer interrupted suture followed by connel suture pattern. Post operatively animal was treated with antibiotics and analgesic for 5 days and the animal recovered uneventfully.
Pages: 37-39  |  482 Views  16 Downloads

International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry
How to cite this article:
M Vijayakumar, A Velavan, S Kandasamy, A Kumaresan, S Kathirvel, S Kokila, D Sumathi, S Dharmaceelan. Successful surgical retrieval of intestinal foreign body in a Labrador dog: A case report. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2023;8(5S):37-39. DOI:
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International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry