Vol. 8, Special Issue 5, Part A (2023)
Lathyrus sativus: An orphan or wonder crop
Author(s): Vinaya Sree C
Abstract: Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) is a Neolithic robust legume plant which is a very resilient towards climate change and has survived millennia of cultivation. This characteristic makes it a wonder crop and survival food during drought-triggered famines. The root system of the crop is also deeply penetrating making it convenient to survive in many soil types and it is also very competent nitrogen fixer which not only benefits itself by meeting the nitrogen requirements but also provides with beneficial crops to the subsequent crop. Though Lathyrus possess excellent agronomic properties and can be used for consumption, overeating has led to a severe crippling neurological condition known as neurolathyrism. Studies have observed that if grass pea is incorporated as a part of balanced diet and the methionine deficiency is checked for the deleterious effects of neurolathyrism is almost non-existent. In the present scenario of global climatic changes and the food scarcity for humans and also animals this adaptable crop needs much more consideration. Moreover, Lathyrus is the only known source pf L Homoarginine which is an Arginine analogue and possess excellent nutraceutical properties. Hence an overview on the Lathyrus which can be a promising crop and can be a great alternative non-conventional feed resource in animal nutrition.
How to cite this article:
Vinaya Sree C. Lathyrus sativus: An orphan or wonder crop. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2023;8(5S):29-31.