S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | To determine the extent of total bacteria as Standard plate bacterial count (SPC) and Lactic acid bacterial count (LABC) in raw milk as influenced by different post-hand milking udder wash treatments using moringa leaf extract in cross-bred cows Waibhav Kumar, Ramesh Pandey, Neeraj, Ram Pal Singh, Amratan Gautam, Anand Kumar Singh, Pooja Singh, Vipin Verma and Pradum Pages: 01-07 | 313 Views 41 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Surgical management of large complex odontoma in a Jersey cow: A Case Report Dhivyabharathi D, Sankar P, Boda Saikumar, Vijayakumar M, Kandasamy S, Aruneshwaran EL, Kathirvel S and Dharmaceelan S Pages: 08-09 | 397 Views 45 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | An investigational study on urinalysis of geriatric dogs with urolithiasis Jupaka Shashank, K Satish Kumar, VVV Amruth Kumar, B Anil Kumar and M Lakshman Pages: 10-15 | 311 Views 17 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | A retrospective study on 294 referral cases of uterine torsion in bovines M Praveen Kumar, M Srinivas, S Radhika and B Chandra Prasad Pages: 16-19 | 411 Views 22 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Management of mishandled recurrent total uterine prolapse with type ii perineal laceration in a Gir cow G Sathriyan, S Raja, M Selvaraju, M Kannan, M Periyannan, M Murugan and K Senthilkumar Pages: 20-22 | 280 Views 18 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Clinico-diagnostic aspects of demodecosis in dogs K Lakshmi, S Ayodhya and P Suman Pages: 23-25 | 294 Views 17 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Cardiac toxicity in experimentally induced hypothyroid rats and alleviation by Withania Somnifera and Shilajit Ramya B, Anand Kumar A, Madhuri D, Gopala Reddy A and Shiva Kumar P Pages: 26-30 | 399 Views 7 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Prophylactic effects of bi-herbal extracts of Coriandrum sativum and Murraya koenigii on adenine induced chronic kidney disease in rats RD Patel, KA Sadariya, DR Patel, VM Patel, VN Sarvaiya and SK Bhavsar Pages: 31-39 | 276 Views 11 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Study on reproductive performance of Nellore Jodipi sheep in RKVY and non-RKVY flocks under field conditions Vallabhaneni Srikanth, Indira Dandolu, B Punya Kumari, Gangaraju Gollamoori and Y Ravindra Reddy Pages: 40-43 | 374 Views 10 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Effect of rosuvastatin and Senna Makki on some physiological and biochemical parameters in male Rabbits with Hyperlipidemia Khalid A Hadi Pages: 44-49 | 275 Views 4 Downloads | Country: Iraq | Iraq |