A retrospective study on 294 referral cases of uterine torsion in bovines
Author(s): M Praveen Kumar, M Srinivas, S Radhika and B Chandra Prasad
Abstract: A retrospective study on 294 bovines (267 buffaloes and 27 cows) affected with uterine torsion revealed that the incidence was more common in pluriparous buffaloes (90.8%). On detailed obstetrical examination, majority of the cases had uterine torsion greater than 270-360º, right-sided and post-cervical in location. Successful detorsion yielded in per-vaginal delivery of the calves in 240 buffaloes (93%) and 17 cows (65%), of which the majority were delivered in anterior longitudinal presentation. At the same time, the unsuccessful cases were relieved by caesarean section, and very few instances were salvaged due to grave prognosis. The survival rate of the new-born calves was recorded as 23% with a greater proportion being males.
M Praveen Kumar, M Srinivas, S Radhika, B Chandra Prasad. A retrospective study on 294 referral cases of uterine torsion in bovines. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2023;8(5):16-19. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/veterinary.2023.v8.i5a.683