S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | The evaluation of anti-NDV hyperimmune sera for serotherapy in chickens infected with Newcastle disease virus field isolate Anak Agung Ayu Mirah Adi, I Nyoman Mantik Astawa, I Gusti Agung Arta Putra, I Made Kardena and I Nyoman Suarsana Pages: 125-131 | 943 Views 36 Downloads | Country: Indonesia | Indonesia |
2 | Swiss cheese model as an instrument for identification of risks, weaknesses and shortcomings in the animal health system Dr. Iliyan Kostov Pages: 132-135 | 884 Views 11 Downloads | Country: Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
3 | Analysis of the strategy developed for control of the disease African swine fever (ASF) in Bulgaria by reducing the wild boar population Iliyan Kostov Pages: 136-138 | 881 Views 13 Downloads | Country: Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
4 | Prevalence, intensity and risk factors of tick infestation of cattle in N'djamena Chad Belpena Zachée, Ouagal Mahamat, Mahamat Saboune and Awah-Ndukum Julius Pages: 139-146 | 868 Views 26 Downloads | Country: Chad | Chad |
5 | Emergence of African swine fever in the North Eastern Region of India AH Akand, I Hussain, Iftikar Hussain, KH Bulbul, D Hasin and IU Sheikh Pages: 147-151 | 897 Views 15 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Comparison of cortisol level in Asian elephants of different tiger reserves of Madhya Pradesh Madhvee Dhairykar, KP Singh, Kajal Kumar Jadav and Nidhi Rajput Pages: 152-155 | 882 Views 16 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Controling coccidiosis in broilers using Tumeric paste Onyeachonam Favour, Oriaku Ugochi and Okonkwo C Pages: 156-159 | 912 Views 13 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
8 | Management of nutrition in captive Asian elephants Madhvee Dhairykar and KP Singh Pages: 160-163 | 927 Views 27 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Study on ovine fascioliasis: Case study, associated risk factors and economic significance at sheep and goat research program, Guthichaur, Jumla, Nepal Ramesh Prasad Sah, Mohan P Yadav, Surendra P Kanu and Tirtha Raj Rijal Pages: 164-168 | 886 Views 27 Downloads | Country: Nepal | Nepal |
10 | Evaluation of growth and carcass characteristics of ISA brown cockerels as influenced by age at surgical caponization Kelvin Uhunoma Aikpitanyi, James Atekha Imasuen, Linda Aikhu and Chekwube Keborkwu Pages: 169-174 | 972 Views 11 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |