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Vol. 2, Issue 3, Part A (2017)

S. No. Title and Authors Name Country
A study on the effect of green microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris) on the histology of skeletal muscle fibres in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
Amritha N, Dr. K Revathi and Dr. M Babu
Pages: 01-03  |  1545 Views  40 Downloads  |  Country: India
Toxic effect of silver nanoparticles on bull and cattle spermatozoa
Chawla Vinita, Dr. Shivaji Hanmanthrao Sontakke and Dr. Jayant Khadse
Pages: 04-09  |  1710 Views  48 Downloads  |  Country: India
Pathology of an experimental intramammary infection with two isolates of Streptococcus uberis in mice
Krishnamoorthy P, Shome BR and Roy P
Pages: 10-14  |  1467 Views  19 Downloads  |  Country: India
A suspected clinical case of caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) in a sheep
Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse, Innocent Damudu Peter, Yusuf Abba, Asinamai Athliamai Bitrus, Idris Umar Hambali, Mohd Azmi Mohd Lila, Abd Wahid Haron and Wan Mohd Sukri Wan Ishak
Pages: 15-17  |  1519 Views  28 Downloads  |  Country: Malaysia
A comparison of eggs per gram (epg) from wet faecal smears, benchtop flotation and centrifugal techniques in determining the maximum number of GIN eggs in calf faeces - A case study
Aphzal Mohammed, Edward Sampson, Puran Bridgemohan, Angelisah Khan and Hasani Stewart
Pages: 18-21  |  1481 Views  12 Downloads  |  Country: Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago
Assessment of Rapid Immunochromatographic Assay for detection of Rabies infection under field condition
Vartika Chandra, Parul Shah, Dhirendra Kapadiya, Bharat Bhanderi, Sanjay Dabhi, Sameer Rana, Manjunatha Reddy and Amit Kanani
Pages: 22-26  |  1032 Views  28 Downloads  |  Country: India
Weekly milk yields analysis using a polynomial quadratic model for two Holstein cows over five lactations reared under a semi intensive management system
Aphzal Mohammed, Angelisah Khan, Puran Bridgemohan and Andell Edwards
Pages: 27-29  |  1471 Views  6 Downloads  |  Country: Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago
Status of pig rearing in India
Sourabh Sulabh, Pushpraj Shivhare, Anuradha Kumari, Manish Kumar and Ramadevi Nimmanapalli
Pages: 30-32  |  1475 Views  13 Downloads  |  Country: India
Successful management of nervous signs due to babesiosis in a dog
S Sivajothi and B Sudhakara Reddy
Pages: 33-34  |  1429 Views  29 Downloads  |  Country: India
Clinical management of stage ii infectious keratoconjuctivitis in a goat kid
Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse, Innocent Damudu Peter, Yusuf Abba, Asinamai Athliamai Bitrus, Idris Umar Hambali, Abdul Wahid Haron, Mohd Azmi Mohd Lila and Syahirah Ahmad Affandi
Pages: 35-37  |  1586 Views  26 Downloads  |  Country: Malaysia
Role of information and communication technology (ICT) in livestock development in rural India
Ahmad Zia Ibrahimkhail
Pages: 38-41  |  768 Views  7 Downloads  |  Country: India
Call for book chapter
International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry