S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Diagnosis of leptospirosis in hyena Shivaraj Murag, Manjunath Reddy, Sanjeev Kumar M, Shivashankar BP, Sripad K, Parijatha S Khoday, Manohar Raju MV, Bhavana and Raveendra Hegde Pages: 580-585 | 222 Views 16 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Role of direct fed microbials in enhancing bovine productivity: A review P Das and MS Meel Pages: 586-590 | 195 Views 4 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Livestock breeding policy: Implementation, constraints and future prospects in Maharashtra Prajakta Jadhav and Supriya Biradar Pages: 591-593 | 267 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Delving into the A1/A2 milk hypothesis: A comprehensive analysis of milk proteins and their impact on human health Prasad MG, Diksha Purushottam Gourkhede, Vidyarani HB, Bharat Shindhe, Bidyut Prabha Mishra, Pratik Ramesh Wankhade, Balaji Belore, Judy Lalthanmawii and Priya B Koneti Pages: 594-605 | 493 Views 33 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Backyard poultry: Livelihood source of resource-poor woman VK Singh, RS Jadhav and SK Singh Pages: 606-608 | 217 Views 9 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | A comprehensive treatment strategy for bovine Papillomatosis: Assessing the synergistic effects of Autohaemotherapy, surgical intervention, and Autogenous vaccination Geethanjali PV, Litty Elizabath Louis, Deepa PM, M Vijayakumar and A Velavan Pages: 609-612 | 356 Views 25 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Studies on sensory qualities of chhana whey beverage with pear (Pyrus communis) juice DK Dukare, AT Shinde and KR Chavan Pages: 613-616 | 180 Views 4 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Influence of community machine milking system on milking temperament and teat condition of crossbred cows Naveen Kumar P, Vivek M Patil, Mahadevappa D Gouri, Guruprasad R, Madhusudhan HS and Shivaraj BM Pages: 617-620 | 186 Views 5 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Comparison of the milking efficiency under hand milking and community machine milking systems Naveen Kumar P, Vivek M Patil, Mahadevappa D Gouri, Guruprasad R, Madhusudhan HS and Shivaraj BM Pages: 621-624 | 191 Views 3 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Impact of community machine milking systems on microbiological quality of milk Naveen Kumar P, Vivek M Patil, Mahadevappa D Gouri, Shivaraj BM, Ramchandra B and Madhusudhan HS Pages: 625-628 | 183 Views 2 Downloads | Country: India | India |
11 | Studies on sensory characteristics of danedar during storage Bipin Kumar Singh, Binod Kumar Bharti and DC Sen Pages: 629-631 | 191 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |