Abstract: Sensory evaluation of danedar plays an important role in product development and determining the shelf life of a product. In present investigating, danedar sample were analyzed on sensory basis on ambient and refrigerated temperature. The initial color and appearance score of danedar samples were observed 8.27±0.13 at ambient and refrigerated temperature, this initial value was decreased 8.27±0.13 to 5.53±0.03 and 4.62±0.04 in 15th days of storage and 35th days of storage, respectively. Cow milk danedar showed a rapid increase in browning index at storage condition at ambient temp. (30˚C) and refrigerated temp. (7˚C). The color and appearance score for cow milk danedar decreased significantly (p<0.05) throughout the storage period. The initial flavour score of danedar was observed 8.47±0.03 at ambient and refrigerated temperature and it is decreased to value of 5.40±0.00 and 4.80±0.03 in 15th and 35th days of storage temperature respectively. The initial score of body and texture of danedar was 8.93±0.03 at ambient and refrigerated temperatures, which score was decreased to 5.23±0.12 and 4.83±0.04 on 15th and 35th days of storage condition respectively. The body and texture scores of danedar samples decreased with the development of storage period. The decrease in the body and texture score was more in the sample stored at ambient temp. (30˚C) than stored at refrigerated temp. (7˚C). The body and texture of danedar spoiled as sandy, hard, gritty, coarse and dry surface towards the end of storage. The initial overall acceptability score of danedar was 8.47±0.03 at ambient and refrigerated temperatures decreased to the score of 5.10±0.10 and 4.38±0.06 on 15th and 35th days of storage, respectively.