S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Structural and functional characterization of dairy farms in the west Cameroon highlands: Case of the western region Pierrette Ngo Bahebeck, Abdou Salamou Nsangou, Flora Nzakou Hakoueu, Clemence Njehoya and Kingsley Agbor Etchu Pages: 73-80 | 498 Views 31 Downloads | Country: Cameroon | Cameroon |
2 | Salmonella detection from Bali cattle faeces Ketut Tono Pasek Gelgel, I Gusti Ketut Suarjana, Hapsari Mahatmi, I Nengah Kerta Besung and Putu Henrywaesa Sudipa Pages: 81-83 | 471 Views 25 Downloads | Country: Indonesia | Indonesia |
3 | Hemorrhagic septicemia vaccination induced changed immunoglobulin G in Bali Cattle I Nyoman Sulabda and Siswanto Pages: 84-86 | 462 Views 16 Downloads | Country: Indonesia | Indonesia |
4 | Evaluation of phytogenic feed additive on egg production performance in Hy-Line commercial brown layers Gabriel Moyano, Roopa Reddy, Marimuthu Saravanakumar and Prashanth D’Souza Pages: 87-89 | 438 Views 20 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Camel milk as an integrated food and its physical and chemical properties with therapeutic characteristics Zahraa HK AL-Moosawi, Mozhir KK Almahdawi and Areej GH Al-Charak Pages: 90-96 | 570 Views 17 Downloads | Country: Iraq | Iraq |
6 | Antinociceptive activities of the methanolic extract of Prosopis africana (Guill and Perr) Taub. fruits in vivo Bosha JA, Asuzu IU and Amine AA Pages: 97-102 | 372 Views 4 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
7 | Successful treatment of Otodectes cynotis infestation in domestic African pygmy hedgehogs (Atelerix albiventris): A case report Dr. Ushma Patel and Soham Mukherjee Pages: 103-105 | 469 Views 20 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Analysis of a hybrid support vector machine-based laying-hen tracking technique Ajao Kehinde, Gbolagade Monsurat and Idris Muyideen Pages: 106-115 | 417 Views 5 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
9 | Histomorphological and histochemical study of small intestine of adult age of local pigeon Columba livia Suhaib AH AL-TAAI, Harith Hummadi Al-Mohmdi, Taha Katta Khalaf and Saif muhson Pages: 116-122 | 381 Views 11 Downloads | Country: Iraq | Iraq |
10 | Effect of supplementation multi-enzyme on productive performance of two strains of Japanese quail Raghad Naseer Waleed Al -Flayyih and Yaser Ghanim Salih Kesab Pages: 123-132 | 391 Views 12 Downloads | Country: Iraq | Iraq |