S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Hesperidin-Sources, chemistry, extraction, measurement and biologic effects on reproduction in animals: A review Sa’Ayinzat FE, Bawa EK, Ogwu D and Ayo JO Pages: 01-08 | 846 Views 52 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
2 | Oxidative stress and its effects on reproductive performance in thermally-stressed ewes Sa’ayinzat FE, Bawa EK, Ogwu D and Ayo JO Pages: 09-17 | 758 Views 31 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
3 | Assessment of sheep fattening practices under smallholder farmers in Genji district of West Wollega, Western Oromia, Ethiopia Diriba Taye, Zemene Worku, Solomon Demeke and Monenus Etefa Pages: 18-25 | 709 Views 21 Downloads | Country: Ethiopia | Ethiopia |
4 | Effects of ethanol extract of Afrostyrax lepidophyllus seeds on reproductive parameters and oxidative stress markers in male guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) exposed to Paraquat Boufack Judith Laure, Guiekep Nounamo Arthénice Jémima, Vemo Bertin Narcisse, Fonou Tadiesse Lavoisier, Tsambou Megnimeza Martine Astride, Menkem Brice, Ngaleu Djieudeu Claude Cédric, Yidjieu Nana Ferry and Kenfack Augustave Pages: 26-33 | 648 Views 26 Downloads | Country: Cameroon | Cameroon |
5 | Comparison of a commercial and a manual antigen coated ELISA tests used in detecting antibodies against Japanese encephalitis virus in pig serums collected from the Province of Bali I Made Kardena, Anak Agung Ayu Mirah Adi and Nyoman Mantik Astawa Pages: 34-39 | 836 Views 71 Downloads | Country: Indonesia | Indonesia |
6 | Effect of supplementation of tree foliages on production performances of lactating cows in small-holding farming systems Md. Saiful Islam, M Raisul Alam, Md. Enayet Kabir and Falguni Dadok Pages: 40-46 | 782 Views 30 Downloads | Country: Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
7 | Diagnosis and repair of peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia (PPDH) in a Doberman dog: A first report from India Karlapudi Satish Kumar and VVV Amruth Kumar Pages: 47-50 | 732 Views 27 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Therapeutic efficacy of imidocarb on feline cytauxzoonosis: A case study Bithika Halder and Dr. Amit Raj Gupta Pages: 51-52 | 760 Views 22 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Effects of using garlic (Allium sativum) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) powder on production performance and biochemical parameters of broiler chicken MST. Mayeeda Parvin, MD. Anwarul Haque Beg, Maksuda Begum, Mohammad Saiful Islam, Md. Zahir Uddin Rubel and Md. Shafiqur Rahman Pages: 53-57 | 721 Views 33 Downloads | Country: Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
10 | Prospects of botanical dewormers with especial reference to Kashmir Asif Hilal Khan, KH Bulbul, RA Shahardar, ZA Wani and IM Allaie Pages: 58-64 | 693 Views 26 Downloads | Country: India | India |