S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Determine the effect of ovarian and non ovarian factors on follicular population in murrah buffalo using Ultrasound graphy technique Eias Elzein I Osman, Sharma RK and Majdi E Badawi Pages: 01-04 | 1203 Views 43 Downloads | Country: Sudan | Sudan |
2 | Prevalence of tick species infesting donkeys in Borno state, Nigeria Falmata Kyari, Ali Abba Gana Benisheikh, Ibrahim Yusuf Ngoshe, Babagana Kayeri, Ruben Dawa, Alhaji Umar Awana and Habiba Abdulsalam Pages: 05-09 | 1217 Views 26 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
3 | Management of Dystocia Due to Fetal Ascites in Boer Goat: A Case Report Abhishek Bhardwaj, Sheetal SK, Sahatpure SK and Bawaskar MS Pages: 10-11 | 1273 Views 31 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Effect of different housing patterns on growth performance, morphological parameters and carcass characteristics of West African Dwarf Buck GD Eyoh, MD Udo, CA Mbre and JS Ekpo A Pages: 12-17 | 1167 Views 21 Downloads | Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
5 | Influence of photoperiod and circulating-IgY on some behavioural patterns of chicks during the first week of life Ibrahim F Rehan, Hesham H Mohammed, Sohaila Gehad Fahmy, Asmaa Elnagar, Mohammed Youssef and Obeid Shanab Pages: 18-25 | 1367 Views 40 Downloads | Country: Egypt | Egypt |
6 | Current and future perspectives of polymethylmethacrylate bone cement in veterinary orthopaedics: A review Sandeep Saharan and Ribu Varghese Mathew Pages: 26-28 | 1279 Views 16 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Detection of subclinical mastitis in herd of cattle Ankit Kumar Sethi, Kavipriya Jayswal and Jagnoor Singh Sandhu Pages: 31-33 | 820 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Gross anatomical studies on the sternum of crow (Corvus splendens) NS Sunilkumar, KB Sumena, S Maya, N Ashok, KM Lucy, VR Indu and AR Sreeranjini Pages: 34-35 | 1181 Views 35 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Tribulus terrestris: Herbal medicated feed as uterine tonic in wistar rats SS Rajurkar, ND Jadhav, SR Rajurkar, DS Lokhande and BG Shingumare Pages: 36-42 | 1163 Views 12 Downloads | Country: India | India |