Abstract: Efficacy study of herbal medicated feed containing
Tribulus terrestris on 8 female wistar rats of age 5 weeks were grouped in 2 groups each containing 8 female rats and observed for period of 63 days.
No adverse changes were observed. Though statistically significant alterations were observed in Hb, TEC, TLC, DLC, PCV, Blood Clotting Time, ALT, AST, TP, BUN, Creatinine and glucose on day 0th, 14th and 63rd of the experiment and all the changes were within normal physiological limits. An elevation in mean serum progesterone level was observed in treatment group and even in control group animals on day 14th and 63rd day. This is an indicative of positive effect of medicated feed on female reproductive system.
Higher number of pups in all the treatment group animals against the control group animals is indicative of increased fecundity percentage because of feeding of herbal medicated feed.