S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Addressing fodder deficits in India: A multi-level approach for sustainable dairy farming Keesam Manasa, Sidharth S, Md. Saifuddin and Tahir Hussain Pages: 01-06 | 136 Views 28 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Social networking of farmers: A study of content sharing and feedback pattern Jothilakshmi M, N Narmatha, B Mohan, N Akila and V SenthilKumar Pages: 07-09 | 139 Views 5 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Study of replacement of concentrate feed with jackfruit waste in dairy cow ration S Muthukumar, R Saravanan, D Kannan, N Karthikeyan and P Kumaravel Pages: 10-14 | 123 Views 7 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | Comparative identification of staphylococcal species in animal infections: Evaluating sugar fermentation and PCR-based methods Seema B Gadhavi, Bharat B Bhanderi, Manasi M Soni and Khushbu S Rana Pages: 15-19 | 152 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Mass media exposure of dairy farmers regarding aflatoxin contamination in feed Insha Mir, Parminder Singh and JS Bedi Pages: 20-22 | 101 Views 3 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | Management of aflatoxin contamination in feed by feed millers in Punjab Insha Mir, Parminder Singh and JS Bedi Pages: 23-25 | 93 Views 3 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Genetic resources of dog breeds in India Jose Saalom King, Mani Jeyakumar and Ibrahim Jannathul Firthous Pages: 26-28 | 121 Views 10 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Studies on morphological characteristics of Kathani cattle in Bhandara tahsil of Bhandara district PR Gaikwad, Bhavana R Wankhade, AB Motghare, VD Borkar and Pallavi D Bele Pages: 29-35 | 120 Views 5 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | Development and histoarchitecture of Hassall’s corpuscles in thymus of prenatal Surti goats Shailendra Chaurasia and R Menaka Pages: 36-38 | 101 Views 2 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Studies on sensory evaluation of Bhandara chinnor rice (Oryza sativa) Kheer AS Gahane, VG Atkare and Bhavana R Wankhade Pages: 39-41 | 145 Views 3 Downloads | Country: India | India |
11 | Isolation and identification of dermatophytes from dogs and cats in Chennai by conventional and UniPlex PCR assay AP Surendar, M Vijayabharathi, NR Senthil, S Sureshkannan and S Parthiban Pages: 66-69 | 170 Views 15 Downloads | Country: India | India |
12 | Deflation treatment of sub-cutaneous emphysema in a blue rock pigeon (Columba livia) Deeptimayee Pattanayak, K Senthilkumar, Mohamed Shafiuzama and M Palanivelrajan Pages: 70-72 | 98 Views 5 Downloads | Country: India | India |
13 | Socio-economic characteristics of sheep rearers in Solapur district of Maharashtra Mane YC, Shelke RD, Tawale JB and Thombare RA Pages: 73-75 | 119 Views 3 Downloads | Country: India | India |
14 | Detection of dermatophytes through multiplex PCR and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) AP Surendar, M Vijayabharathi, NR Senthil, S Sureshkannan and S Parthiban Pages: 76-78 | 125 Views 8 Downloads | Country: India | India |
15 | Virulent gene profiling of Clostridium difficile from food animals, animal derived foods and human stool samples in Andhra Pradesh N Nagarjuna Reddy, T Srinivasa Rao, CH Bindu Kiranmayi, CH Sudha Rani, Naveen Nagella and T Swaroop Pages: 79-83 | 121 Views 8 Downloads | Country: India | India |
16 | Successful surgical management of corneal squamous cell carcinoma in a pug using a platelet-rich fibrin membrane graft: A case report Gali Venkata Sriharsha, Kumaresan A, Kathirvel S, Vijaykumar M and Arulmozhi A Pages: 84-86 | 199 Views 10 Downloads | Country: India | India |
17 | Effect of feeding fresh Azolla (Azolla pinnata) on growth performance of male goat kids of Osmanabadi goat Poonam V Mawal, Dr. VG Atkare, Dr. Bhavana R Wankhade, Nikita P Pawar and Supriya R Dange Pages: 87-90 | 164 Views 22 Downloads | Country: India | India |
18 | Utilization of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaves on growth performance of osmanabadi goat VV Gurnule, Bhavana R Wankhade, AB Motghare, VD Borkar and PR Gaikwad Pages: 91-93 | 96 Views 3 Downloads | Country: India | India |
19 | Study on Physico-chemical changes in crushed dried Mahua (Madhuca longifolia) flower kulfi during storage Rushikesh R Pande, Bhavana R Wankhade, AB Motghare and VD Borkar Pages: 94-97 | 128 Views 18 Downloads | Country: India | India |
20 | Temporal trends and future projections of animal biting incidents: A comprehensive study from 2018 to 2023 Dr. Goutam Saha Pages: 98-102 | 212 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
21 | Effect of supplementation of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) powder on growth performance in Kaveri poultry birds Shubhangi N Bansode, AB Motghare, Bhavana R Wankhade, VD Borkar, SR Munnarwar and Astha S Tekade Pages: 127-130 | 121 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
22 | Feeding and management practices followed by crossbred cattle owners in Hingna Tahsil of Nagpur district Astha S Tekade, AB Motghare, Bhavana R Wankhade, VD Borkar and Shubhangi N Bansode Pages: 131-134 | 100 Views 5 Downloads | Country: India | India |
23 | Morphometric studies of follicular development in ovaries of prepubertal and adult bitches Amrutha M, J Umamageswari, T Sathiamoorthy, NR Senthil, N Pazhanivel, K Ravikumar and R Sureshkumar Pages: 135-137 | 152 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
24 | Economics of milk production in Karnataka: A comparative analysis across different herd sizes Basavaraj Hiremath, Vivek M Patil, Mahadevappa D Gouri, KB Vedamurthy, Suma N and C Kotresh Prasad Pages: 138-142 | 135 Views 3 Downloads | Country: India | India |
25 | Effect of feeding of hydroponic maize fodder on dry matter intake and quality of milk of crossbred cows Nikita P Pawar, Dr. VG Atkare, Dr. Bhavana R Wankhade, Supriya R Dange and Poonam V Mawal Pages: 143-146 | 116 Views 4 Downloads | Country: India | India |
26 | Factors influencing pet dog ownership in Bengaluru City Sooguresh Jaka, Vivek M Patil, Mahadevappa D Gouri, PT Ramesh, Madhusudhan HS and Harish Shenoy Pages: 147-151 | 235 Views 7 Downloads | Country: India | India |
27 | Arthrodesis as a salvage procedure for open tibiotarsal disarticulation in a dog Kumaresan A, Gali Venkata Sriharsha, Kathirvel S, Vijaykumar M and Dharmaceelan S Pages: 152-154 | 115 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
28 | Histological variations and adaptations in the mammary gland of domestic animals: A comprehensive review Nripendra Singh, Mukesh Kumar, Srinivas Sathapathy, Deepak Kumar Chaurasia, Diksha Lade, Shashi Tekam and Surya Pratap Gond Pages: 155-159 | 105 Views 4 Downloads | Country: India | India |
29 | Q fever in small ruminants and its public health significance Dr. M Bindu Pushpa, Dr. M Prasanth Kumar and Dr. P Nikhitha Sree Pages: 160-165 | 145 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
30 | Assessing the influence of probiotic feed supplements on mulberry silkworm economic metrics (Bombyx mori L) Bhuvana S, Susikaran S, Kiruthika C, Deepa E, Karthick Mani Bharathi B and P Priyadharshini Pages: 166-170 | 118 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
31 | Performance of buffalo sex sorted semen in the southern states of India Bhagat RL, Syed Meraj Ahmed Ismail, Sontakke SH, Joshi SA, Khadse JR and Shivarudrappa B Pages: 195-199 | 11532 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
32 | Endoscopic findings and therapeutic management of colitis in a dog G Senthil Kumar Pages: 200-201 | 102 Views 4 Downloads | Country: India | India |
33 | A rare case Babesia gibsoni infection in a dog with paraplegia G Senthil Kumar and C Inbaraj Pages: 202-203 | 104 Views 4 Downloads | Country: India | India |
34 | Surgical management of gastric dilatation and volvulus in a Great Dane dog: A case report Gali Venkata Sriharsha, Kumaresan A, Kathirvel S, Kokila S, Vijaykumar M and Dharmaceelan S Pages: 204-206 | 128 Views 3 Downloads | Country: India | India |
35 | Sensory evaluation and sale price of khoa sold in Nagpur city Supriya R Dange, VG Atkare, Bhavana R Wankhade, Nikita P Pawar and Poonam V Mawal Pages: 207-209 | 90 Views 1 Downloads | Country: India | India |
36 | Pathophysiology of canine hookworms in experimentally infected Golden Syrian Hamsters Vijayashanthi Ramalingam, Sangaran Arumugam, Jeyathilakan Narayanaperumal, Tirumurugaan Krishnaswamy Gopalan, Samuel Masilamoni Ronald and Pazhanivel N Pages: 210-215 | 96 Views 3 Downloads | Country: India | India |
37 | Managemental intervention for enhancing livestock productivity during rainy season Vikas, Surya Kant, KD Singh, Aakanksha Verma, AK Verma, MK Verma, Khushboo Yadav and Sonu Jaiswal Pages: 216-219 | 150 Views 7 Downloads | Country: India | India |
38 | Breeds of small ruminants: An update Akanksha, Subhankar Paul, Nikhil Sachan, Surya Kant, KD Singh and Vikas Pages: 220-234 | 234 Views 4 Downloads | Country: India | India |
39 | Sensory and texture analysis to optimize vitamin D enrichment in ice cream G Rajarajan, R Annal Villi, B Mohan and P Ravi Pages: 235-236 | 129 Views 5 Downloads | Country: India | India |
40 | Therapeutic management of canine oral papillomatosis using formalin-inactivated autogenous vaccine S Sunandhadevi, E Venkatesakumar, PA Enbavelan, M Venkatesan, S Sivaraman, S Udhayavel and A Elango Pages: 237-240 | 88 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
41 | Sertoli cell tumor in a unilateral cryptorchid dog: A case report Dr. Rambabu Kalaka, Dr. G David Jeevanraj, G Yugandhar, Ch Lakshmi Deepak, B Naga Manasa and A Jaya Harshitha Pages: 265-268 | 87 Views 5 Downloads | Country: India | India |
42 | Antimicrobial and antioxidant efficacy of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) on keeping quality of chicken nuggets M Sutha and G Gawdaman Pages: 269-275 | 92 Views 1 Downloads | Country: India | India |
43 | Moringa leaf: A potential protein source for animal feed Asu Singh Godara, Saresh NV, Dileep Kumar, Arjun Lal Bijarniya, Dharmendra Meena and Manoj Kumar Yadav Pages: 276-281 | 258 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
44 | Camel genetic resources diversity in India Jose Saalom King, Mani Jeyakumar and Ibrahim Jannathul Firthous Pages: 282-287 | 83 Views 5 Downloads | Country: India | India |
45 | Studies on preparation of Value added Lassi blended with Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) flour Aishwarya H Somkuwar, RR Shelke, PA Kahate, KU Bidwe and AB Chorey Pages: 288-290 | 146 Views 4 Downloads | Country: India | India |
46 | Surgical management of recurrent cervical choke due to trichobezoars in a calf Boda Saikumar, K Jayakumar, Anshuman Singh Chauhan, K Vijayakaran and S Kathirvel Pages: 291-292 | 128 Views 2 Downloads | Country: India | India |
47 | Unveiling the aesthetic and biomedical potential of silk cocoons Neha Sudan, Jasmeena Qadir, Kritika Sharma, Sapna Devi, Tajamul Islam and Shahnoor Choudhury Pages: 293-298 | 36 Views 2 Downloads | Country: India | India |
48 | Influence of sodium hypochlorite on the pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin in broiler chicken Chelsia Yathati, Ravi Kumar Pentela, Bharavi Kaithepalli, Rama Devi Vemuri, Srividya Gullapudi and Veera Venkata Rao Katuru Pages: 299-301 | 99 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
49 | Successful management of tetanus in a dog with immunoglobins K Mohanambal, Atmakur Venkatesh, KK Ponnu Swamy, D Sumathi, K Sasikala, R Ravi and M Elavarasan Pages: 302-303 | 128 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
50 | Impact of drying temperature and time on some physical properties of emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) meat powder V Nithyalakshmi and R Preetha Pages: 304-307 | 98 Views 2 Downloads | Country: India | India |
51 | Effect of turmeric powder on decontamination of broiler chicken carcass M Muthulakshmi, R Rajkumar, V Chandirasekaran, C Vasanthi and A Irshad Pages: 350-353 | 194 Views 16 Downloads | Country: India | India |
52 | Diagnosis of acute infective endocarditis-induced pulmonary hypertension in a dog: A case report Abdul Kalam A, Abhijith SP, Chetan Kumar GK and MA Kshama Pages: 354-357 | 101 Views 12 Downloads | Country: India | India |
53 | Effect of feeding sprouted maize (Zea mays) on dry matter intake and body weight gain of indigenous calves SN Jadhao, KU Bidwe, PA Kahate, RR Shelke and SP Nage Pages: 358-361 | 93 Views 5 Downloads | Country: India | India |
54 | Studies on sensory evaluation of shrikhand blended with tulsi (Ocimum sanctum L.) extract LR Alone, Dr. SP Nage, Dr. RR Shelke, Dr. KU Bidwe and Dr. VS Kale Pages: 362-365 | 91 Views 7 Downloads | Country: India | India |
55 | Effect of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) leaves extract supplementation on growth performance of Giriraja poultry birds MS Thorhate, Dr. SR Shegokar, Dr. SD Chavan, Dr. SP Nage and Dr. MR Wade Pages: 366-370 | 139 Views 14 Downloads | Country: India | India |
56 | A review: Effects of saponin on ruminal fermentation, nutrient utilization, body weight and methane mitigation in ruminants Sunil V Rathod, Sachitanand B Sakhare and Ketan K Dakhure Pages: 371-377 | 169 Views 13 Downloads | Country: India | India |
57 | Effect of in-ovo supplementation of nano forms of trace minerals carcass characteristics of broiler chicken Dr. M Anandhi Pages: 378-381 | 76 Views 1 Downloads | Country: India | India |
58 | Early feeding of nano forms Zinc, copper and chromium on immune response in broiler chicken Dr. M Anandhi and Dr. Jayanaik Pages: 382-385 | 72 Views 3 Downloads | Country: India | India |
59 | Shelf life of Vitamin D and carotene enriched yoghurt G Rajarajan, P Ravi and P Kumaravel Pages: 386-389 | 69 Views 2 Downloads | Country: India | India |
60 | Physico chemical characterization of fowl adenovirus serotype 4 isolated from Tamil Nadu Dr. G Kalaiselvi, M Parthiban, Dr. G Balakrishnan, Dr. R Ramya, Dr. S Jaisree and Dr. C Soundararajan Pages: 390-393 | 85 Views 2 Downloads | Country: India | India |
61 | Effect of different floor types on carcass traits in large white Yorkshire piglets Shende GP, Prasad RMV and Sarat Chandra Pages: 418-423 | 96 Views 4 Downloads | Country: India | India |
62 | Swine brucellosis: A mini review S Chitradevi, S Rathnapraba and PN Richard Jagatheesan Pages: 424-427 | 134 Views 6 Downloads | Country: India | India |
63 | Effect of cinnamon oil on the keeping quality of chicken nuggets M Sutha and G Gawdaman Pages: 428-433 | 72 Views 1 Downloads | Country: India | India |
64 | Effect of different cutting height on weed infestation and green fodder yield of hedge lucerne (Desmanthus virgatus) C Nithya, S Ramakrishnan, VS Mynavathi and P Thirunavukkarasu Pages: 434-436 | 119 Views 4 Downloads | Country: India | India |