Clinical management of viper envenomation in a Labrador retriever: A case report
Author(s): P Ravi, C Inbaraj, L Arun, R Vivekanandhan and S Vinothraj
Abstract: A one-year-old male Labrador retriever dog was presented with a history of snake bite (Russel’s viper) followed by vomiting. On clinical examination, no fang marks could be detected, but the dog was dull and depressed with tachycardia (142bpm) and congested mucous membranes were noticed. Based on history, clinical symptoms and whole blood clotting test, it was diagnosed as viper snake bite. The affected dog was treated with fluids, anti-snake venom, antibiotics and corticosteroid. The kidney and liver function tests were normal and no significant changes were observed. The animal had uneventfully recovery.
P Ravi, C Inbaraj, L Arun, R Vivekanandhan, S Vinothraj. Clinical management of viper envenomation in a Labrador retriever: A case report. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2025;10(1S):28-29. DOI: