Effect of probiotic cultured whey on broiler growth performance
Author(s): Patil PD, PV Padghan and DB Satpute
Abstract: The investigation was carried out on “Studies on feeding of probiotic cultured whey on growth performance of broilers”. The research was conducted at Mulani Poultry Farm, Gadegaon Tq. Barshi, Dist. Solapur. During the year 2020-2021. The experimental trial of six weeks was undertaken for fourty-two, day old, broiler chicks divided in four treatments with 40 chicks in each treatment with four replications of ten chicks. The control group (T0) was fed without probiotic cultured whey and T1, T2, and T3 groups were provided with 10 per cent, 20 per cent, and 30 per cent probiotic cultured whey, respectively in drinking water. It was observed that the average cumulative body weights of broiler birds in treatment group T1 (2583.72) was significantly (P) higher as compared to T0 (2381.68 g), T2 (2540.00 g) and T3 (2445.01 g). At the end of sixth week significantly highest gain in weight was observed in T1 (2556.51 g) as compared to T0 (2334.86 g) and does not differ significantly with T2 (2493.34 g) and lowest in T3 (2334.85 g). The highest percent of gain was in first week and lowest in sixth week. The addition of 10 per cent probiotic cultured whey in broiler drink is beneficial by improving growth performance.
How to cite this article:
Patil PD, PV Padghan, DB Satpute. Effect of probiotic cultured whey on broiler growth performance. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(6):432-436.