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Vol. 9, Special Issue 4, Part D (2024)

Impact of irrigation and nutrients on the nutrient uptake and quality of bajra napier hybrid grass under light textured soils

Author(s): C Vennila
Abstract: Water is limited under arid ecosystem and in tropical lands. Increase in productivity per unit area is required to meet the demand of the ever growing population. The fodder crops are highly negligible crops for water and nutrients, hence the main objective of the study was to investigate the impact of irrigation water and nutrients on the performance of bajra napier hybrid grass grown under light textured soil. The study was carried out at university Research Farm, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, under light textured soils. The treatments consisted of irrigation treatments I1: drip irrigation at 100% Potential Evapo transpiration (PE), I2: drip irrigation at 75% PE and I3: surface irrigation, Nutrients: F1: Farm Yard Manure 25 t/ha + 50% RDF, F2: FYM 25t/ha + 100% RDF and F3:100% RDF alone. Cumulative irrigation water was calculated and applied as per the treatment schedule. Plant samples were analyzed macro nutrients and uptake of nutrients by plants were calculated. Chlorophyll content was estimated periodically. Plant vegetative growth and biomass contributing characteristics were measured to relate with irrigation frequency and nutrients. The leaf indicators like N, P and K had influenced the growth and yield of the crops. The moisture availability was maintained all along the vegetative phase to harvest of the crop with irrigation through drip at 100% PE. The leaf chlorophyll content (38.8 and 25.7) was the highest with application of 25 t Farm yard manure/ ha + 100% recommended dose of nutrients and drip irrigation at 100% PE. The application of 25 t Farm yard manure/ ha + 100% recommended dose of nutrients and drip irrigation at 100% PE resulted in highest biomass of cumbu napier hybrid grass. Crude protein content was significantly influenced by nutrient and irrigation water application. As Bajra napier hybrid grass is a fodder crop, the growth parameters had significant influence on the biomass of the crop. The interaction between nutrient application and irrigation were found positive and it directly reflected on the biomass of the crop and quality of the crop.
Pages: 189-193  |  112 Views  5 Downloads

International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry
How to cite this article:
C Vennila. Impact of irrigation and nutrients on the nutrient uptake and quality of bajra napier hybrid grass under light textured soils. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(4S):189-193.
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International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry