Study of morphometric traits in farmbred geese population
Author(s): K Jagadeesan
Abstract: The present investigation was focused to document the morphological traits of farmbred geese population in Tamil Nadu. Body measurements on beak length, beak width, neck length, trunk length, body length, chest width, chest circumference, wing length, tibial length, tibial circumference, metatarsal length, metatarsal circumference and live body weight were recorded on a farmbred geese population maintained at Sheep Breeding Research Station, Sandynallah, The Nilgiris. The mean live body weight (pooled gender) of less than one month, 1-4 month and more than one year age were 0.56±0.27kg, 2.53±0.36kg and 3.08±0.30 kg, respectively. The consistent correlation of body length, neck length, chest width and chest circumference with live body weight in both grower and adult stage were observed. The geese variety in Tamil Nadu was studied for its morphometric traits for the first time to generate the basic data that can be used for further characterization of the population which was very much needed.