Study on prevalence of helminth infestation and anthelmintic resistance in calves in semi-arid subtropical region of lower Gangetic plains
Author(s): Pinky Rani, Bipin Kumar, Archana Kumari and Rahul Kumar
Abstract: This research was focused mainly on "Helminths Infestation and Anthelmintic resistance in calves". The main objective of research was to find out the prevalence of helminth infestation and the status of anthelmintic resistance in the calves in semi-arid subtropical region of lower Gangetic plains in year 2021. We targeted the calves of 0 to 6 months of age. 54 samples were collected, forty calves out of 54 were found to be infected with one or more species of gastrointestinal parasites, the prevalence rate of helminth parasitic infection was calculated at 74.04%. Forty helminths positive calves were randomly divided into four groups, viz. control (without any treatment), T1, T2 and T3, each consisting of 10 calves. Each group received different antihelminthic drugs, Fenbendazole, Ivermectin, and Levamisole, respectively. on day 0 and on day 14, the efficacy of these popular anthelmintic drugs was assessed through EPG (Egg Per Gram) and FECRT (Faecal egg count reduction test). The efficacy of anthelmintic drugs was determined through the percentage value of FECRT, which is less than 90%. FECRT values were found to be 58.33%, 65%, and 84.21%, EHA (Egg Hatch Assay) was done to find resistance in helminths against these three anthelmintic drugs. The high prevalence of anthelmintic resistance found in this study indicates that AR is a threat to our livestock production. Sustainable worm control strategies, such as farm and targeted treatment, which prolong the life span of the currently used anthelmintic, need to be implemented as a matter of urgency.