Electrocardiographic changes in babesiosis and ehrlichiosis affected dogs
Author(s): Pramod KS, Ramesh PT, Lathamani VS, Narayanaswamy HD, Srinivasmurthy KM and Indresh HC
Abstract: The present study was aimed to know the hematobiochemical changes in the dogs affected with Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis in Dogs. Dogs presented to small animal OPD, Department of Veterinary Medicine were selected for the study. 15 dogs which were positive by PCR technique for either of the infections or mixed infection were subjected to electrocardiographic examination. Commonly observed electrocardiographic abnormalities were low QRS complex (40%, 6/15 dogs), tall T wave (40%, 6/15 dogs), increased width of T wave (33.33%, 5/15 dogs), ST coving (26.66%, 4/15 dogs), absent P wave (20%, 3/15 dogs) and Q dip (20%, 3/15 dogs), Increased width of the P wave (13.33%, 2/15 dogs), Tall QRS complex (13.33%, 2/15 dogs) and Absent T wave (13.33%, 2/15 dogs).