Abstract: The investigation entitled, “Studies on housing management practices adopted by Murrah buffalo owners in vicinity of Pune” was undertaken to ascertain the various management practices followed by buffalo owners in vicinity of Pune. Total 100 Murrah buffalo dairy farms in and around 30 km radius of Pune city were studied. The data was collected through pretested questionnaire. The buffalo owners were distributed in four groups on the basis of buffaloes possessed by them as group-I were having up to 10 buffaloes, group-II possessed 11 to 25 buffaloes, group-III had 26 to 50 buffaloes and group IV were having above 51 buffaloes. It is feeding and housing which play a pivotal role in exploiting the genetic potential of animal.
Animal housing is required to protect the animals from inclement weather, provide clean, comfortable stay for good health of animals and for efficient management. Inadequate and improper planning results in additional labour charges and increased costs in maintenance of shed. Housing facilities such as type of feed manger, drainage standard, dung channels, flooring material, height of roof and roofing material plays an important role to maintain the micro-climate. Cost effective and comfortable housing is essential for maintaining optimum production and health of animal. Defective flooring system leads to unhygienic conditions which also lead to health problems. Mastitis is one of them amongst many health anomalies which can be controlled simply by hygienic microclimate in dairy houses. Besides, providing proper housing to dairy animals it is also equally important in order to achieve maximum return from the animals.