Vol. 9, Issue 2, Part J (2024)
Multiple parasitoses in an Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus): A report on Haemoproteus Sp., Coccidiosis and lice infestation
Author(s): E Tamileniyan, M Jeevitha, A Latchumikanthan, M Veeraselvam, R Velusamy, VR Kundave, M Saravanan and PK Ramkumar
Abstract: The present study reports the mixed infection of blood protozoan Haemoproteus sp., intestinal protozoan Eimeria sp., and ectoparasite Colpocephalum tausi lice based on standard morphological keys in an Indian peafowl from Cauvery delta region of Tamil Nadu, India. Multiple parasitic infections need to be addressed in captive and free-ranging peafowls to maintain the ecological sustainability.
How to cite this article:
E Tamileniyan, M Jeevitha, A Latchumikanthan, M Veeraselvam, R Velusamy, VR Kundave, M Saravanan, PK Ramkumar. Multiple parasitoses in an Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus): A report on Haemoproteus Sp., Coccidiosis and lice infestation. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(2):673-676.