Integration of Sesbania and hybrid Cumbu Napier grass under intensive fodder production
Author(s): K Nalini
Abstract: Intensive fodder production in irrigated farming conditions is the order of the day for commercial dairy, sheep and goat farming. Considering the bio mass yield, palatability and optimal growth even after repeated harvesting like properties, Hybrid Cumbu Napier considered as best suited grass for this intensive fodder production. In those lines of advantages, hybrid Cumbu Napier grass especially varieties released by TNAU like CO-4 is highly popular among farming community (Ramya et al., 2017). However, intensive fodder production with grass component alone poses the disadvantage of offering only grass fodder to the livestock. Considering that, like in common leguminous silvi pasture models (Cenchrus and Stylo spp.) incorporation of leguminous fodder tree as silvi component in intensive fodder production with grass component is always advantageous because of its dual benefits in offering grass and leguminous fodder for livestock. Based on that, a study was undertaken in Livestock Farm Complex, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Tirunelveli to study the bio mass and dry matter yield of silvi component (Sesbania grandiflora) incorporated intensive fodder production with hybrid Cumbu Napier grass.
How to cite this article:
K Nalini. Integration of Sesbania and hybrid Cumbu Napier grass under intensive fodder production. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(2):383-384.