Inflammatory bowel diseases in dogs
Author(s): SD Bhoya, MA Patel, SA Mehta, SV Mavadiya and MD Patel
Abstract: The term ‘Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)’ is applied in Veterinary Medicine to idiopathic infiltration of inflammatory cells in the intestinal mucosa, which characterizes by clinical signs like vomiting, anorexia, large and small bowel diarrhoea, borborygmus and flatulence occurs in any area of the gastrointestinal tract. The aetiology of IBD is multi-factorial. The chronic infection due to gastric protozoa, idiopathic damage to musical barrier, food allergy to any commercial product or prevailing gastro intestinal diseases contribute to IBD occurrence. However, its severity and therapeutic plan could be decided based on Canine IBD Activity Index (CIBDAI). The faecal score 6-7 mostly reported in IBD cases. The anaemia, neutrophilia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia are major haematological alterations. The C-Reactive protein is an inflammatory marker which usually found increased while folate and cobalamin decrease in reported cases of IBD in dogs. The comprehensive therapeutic approach is required to treat the IBD in dogs which includes use of pre and post biotic, antibacterial to counteract intestinal dysbiosis and immunosuppressive agents.
How to cite this article:
SD Bhoya, MA Patel, SA Mehta, SV Mavadiya, MD Patel. Inflammatory bowel diseases in dogs. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(2):303-306.