Sensory properties of paneer developed from cow milk blended by buffalo colostrum
Author(s): SE Kangare, PV Padghan and DS Chauhan
Abstract: In the present investigation the attempt was made to study the sensory properties of paneer prepared from cow milk blended with buffalo colostrum. The paneer was set by seeing treatment combination of cow milk and buffalo colostrum as 95%, 90% and 85% of cow milk and 5%, 10% and 15% of buffalo colostrum in treatments T2, T3 and T4 whereas treatment T1 was taken as control. The product obtained was subjected for organoleptic evaluation by panel of semi expert judges using 9 point Hedonic Scale and observed score for colour and appearance (7.88, 8.28, 8.66, 7.53), flavour (8.25, 8.50, 9.13, 7.83), body and texture (7.83,8.23,8.54,8.37), mouthfeel (7.81, 7.87, 8.74, 7.87). It was also observed that overall acceptability score for control T1 and treated samples T2, T3 and T4 were 7.89, 8.16, 8.75 and 7.66 individually and sample T3 was found superior among all buffalo colostrum blended cow milk paneer samples.
How to cite this article:
SE Kangare, PV Padghan, DS Chauhan. Sensory properties of paneer developed from cow milk blended by buffalo colostrum. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(1S):529-533.