Effect of enzyme supplementation on feeding behavior and physiological responses of lactating Murrah buffaloes during winter season
Author(s): Anuj Kumar, Amit Kumar, DK Singh, Debashis Roy, Manoj Kumar Singh, Rohit Kumar and Vivek Kumar Yadav
Abstract: The research trail was conducted on twenty four lactating Murrah buffaloes, which were selected from Livestock Research Centre, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Modipuram, Meerut (U.P.). Selected lactating buffaloes were randomly divided into four treatment groups having six animals in each group on the basis of their body weight, lactation length and test day milk yield. The nutrient allowances of lactating Murrah buffaloes in term of DM, DCP and TDN requirements were provided as per the feeding standards given by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. To meet out the daily nutrient requirement of trail animals, a Total Mixed Ration (TMR) for buffaloes was prepared by mixing of roughage and concentrates in the ratio of 60:40 after grinding/chaffing. Roughage part was consisting of wheat straw and available green fodder in winter season at research centre. Feeding trial was planned into four dietary groups viz. T1 (Basal diet without enzyme supplementation), T2 (Basal diet with supplementation of xylanase @800000 IU), T3 (Basal diet with supplementation of cellulase @240000 IU) and T4 (Basal diet with supplementation of xylanase and cellulase). It was revealed from the present study that average time spend on feeding and rumination was 307.11 and 512.09, 314.13 and 466.77, 318.39 and 439.24, 304.85 and 432.01 in T1, T2, T3 and T4 treatment groups, respectively. The results were shown that time spent on rumination was lesser in all enzymes supplemented buffaloes while the difference was statistically not significant. Similarly, no significant differences were observed in rectal temperature and respiration rate among enzyme supplemented and non-supplemented group of buffaloes during entire experimental period. It was concluded from the study that enzyme supplementation will help into reducing the energy spent on rumination during cold climatic conditions which may leads to more energy availability in milk production.
How to cite this article:
Anuj Kumar, Amit Kumar, DK Singh, Debashis Roy, Manoj Kumar Singh, Rohit Kumar, Vivek Kumar Yadav. Effect of enzyme supplementation on feeding behavior and physiological responses of lactating Murrah buffaloes during winter season. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(1S):516-519. DOI: