Clinical studies on incidence of dystocia in goats with comparison of haemato-biochemical profiles
Author(s): Lakhan Ram Yadav, Arjit Anil, Deepak Singh Naruka, Pramod Kumar, Amit Kumar, Sandeep Dholpuria, Amit and Ravta Ram
Abstract: The clinical experiment was conducted on 22 goats to evaluate incidence of maternal and fetal dystocia and hemato-biochemical profiles in dystocia affected goats. The goats of different parities were divided into three groups (1) EU (normal parturition) (n=6), (2) DYM (maternal dystocia) (n=5) (3) DYF (fetal dystocia) (n=11). In the present study, incidence of foetal originated dystocia (68.75%) was higher than maternal originated dystocia (31.25%). Out of 11 cases of fetal dystocia four cases had deviation of head (36.36%), three cases had bilateral shoulder flexion (27.27%), one case emphysematous fetus (9.09%), two cases had oversized fetus (18.18%) and one case had hind limb flexion (9.09%). Out of 5 cases of maternal dystocia, two cases had uterine inertia (40%), one case had post cervical uterine torsion (20%), and two cases had incomplete pelvic space (40%). No significant (p≤0.05) difference was observed in RBC count and albumin concentration among all three groups. The values of WBC, NEU, PCV, AST and ALT were significantly (p≤0.05) higher in DYM and DYF as compared to EU group at pre-partum and significantly decreased at post-partum (24 hr) period. No significant changes (p≤0.05) were observed at 24 hr postpartum in the values of Hb, PCV and WBC among all three groups. Significant (p≤0.05) decrease was observed at 24 hr postpartum in the values of Hb, NEU, AST, ALT and TP in both DYM and DYF groups as compared to pre-partum period. However, the values of Hb, PCV, WBC, ALT, Total protein decreased non-significantly at 24 hr postpartum in EU group. It was concluded that fetal cause of dystocia more prone than maternal causes and haemato-biochemical changes including WBC, neutrophils, PCV, serum AST and ALT level were higher in dystocia affected goats as compared to normal parturated goats, whereas, Hb, TP values decreased in dystocia affected goats may be useful in management of obstetrical conditions.
How to cite this article:
Lakhan Ram Yadav, Arjit Anil, Deepak Singh Naruka, Pramod Kumar, Amit Kumar, Sandeep Dholpuria, Amit, Ravta Ram. Clinical studies on incidence of dystocia in goats with comparison of haemato-biochemical profiles. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(1S):375-378.