Vol. 9, Special Issue 1, Part D (2024)
Comparative proximate composition of maize grain and hydroponics maize fodder
Author(s): Dr. Rupal Dadhich and Dr. RK Dhuria
Abstract: Nutritional composition of hydroponic maize fodder and maize grain were compared in the study. Proximate principles were determined by AOAC (2000). It was observed that the percent DM, OM, EE and NFE was lower in hydroponics maize fodder but percent CP, CF, Total Ash was higher when compared with maize grain.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Rupal Dadhich, Dr. RK Dhuria. Comparative proximate composition of maize grain and hydroponics maize fodder. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(1S):266-267.