Overall life time statistics and replacement index in crossbred cattle
Author(s): Shashikant, CV Singh and RS Barwal
Abstract: In this study we extracted data from History Sheet, Stock Register, Cattle-Register and Auction and Sales Register maintained at Instructional dairy farm G. B. pant University, Agriculture and technology Pantnagar, United Kingdom. 1495 cross bred cattle born between 1994 and 2022 (29-year period) kept at IDF, Nagla, United Kingdom. Analytical Equations formulated by different scientists were used for analysis of Overall life table statistics, Annual replacement index. Results showed that cows lost from herd completed 4.58 Lactation over their life time with average loss rate 0.32 Cents per Lactation. Life expectancy of cows at first Lactation was estimated to be 2.85 Lactation years. Overall replacement index 1.40 is considered to be acceptable and sustainable because it allows for herd renewal, maintains herd size and maintains productivity.
Shashikant, CV Singh, RS Barwal. Overall life time statistics and replacement index in crossbred cattle. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(1S):272-275. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/veterinary.2024.v9.i1Sd.977