Demographic study of hypokalemic syndrome in dairy cows in and around Namakkal, Tamil Nadu
Author(s): Dr. Jitendra Kumar Bairwa, Venkatesakumar E, Sivaraman S and Madheswaran R
Abstract: Hypokalemic syndrome in dairy cows refers that the serum potassium value less than normal reference value (3.9 to 5.8 mmol/L). A total of 3887 dairy cows were presented to Veterinary Clinical Complex, Namakkal in Tamil Nadu during the period March 2022 to May 2023. Out of 3887 cows, 227 cows (5.83%) were affected with hypokalemic syndrome. Out of 227 dairy cows, 118 dairy cows were selected for the present study based on the subsequent presentation of dairy cows to the unit for follow up. These cows were analysed for prevalence and etiologies for hypokalemic syndrome. Highest prevalence of hypokalemic syndrome was noticed in Holstein Friesian crossbred cows, cows in the third parity and periparturient period. The various etiologies observed for hypokalemia in present study included theileriosis (n=24, 20.33%), recumbent dairy cows (n= 24, 20.33%), traumatic reticuloperitonitis (n= 20, 16.94%), over use of isoflupredone acetate in case of ketosis (n= 15, 12.70%), excessive administration of sodium bicarbonate in the treatment of ruminal lactic acidosis (n=11, 9.32%), ileus (n=10, 8.50%), botulism (n=8, 6.80%) and abomasal displacement (n=6, 5.08%). Salient clinical signs of hypokalemia in dairy cows were anorexia, suspended rumination, ruminal atony, sternal recumbency, lateral kinking of neck or S- shaped neck deviation or unable to lift its head from the ground, scanty dung, tachycardia. Dairy cows affected with hypokalemia revealed highly significant increase in aspartate aminotransferase, creatinine phosphokinase, magnesium, glucose and significant increase in bicarbonate and highly significant decrease in potassium and chloride values.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Bairwa, Venkatesakumar E, Sivaraman S, Madheswaran R. Demographic study of hypokalemic syndrome in dairy cows in and around Namakkal, Tamil Nadu. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(1S):211-214.