Economic traits of TANUVAS Aseel on backyard rearing at Tenkasi district of Tamil Nadu
Author(s): Leonal Rabins S, Joan Jose and S Sethupathi
Abstract: ICAR KVK, Tirunelveli (Tenkasi) conducted a study to evaluate the economic traits of TANUVAS Aseel in Tenkasi district of Tamil Nadu. TANUVAS Aseel chicks of 15 days old were procured from TANUVAS, Tirunelveli and distributed to selected farmers in various blocks. Body weight and egg productions were documented at farmer’s field on weekly interval up to 40 weeks. Economic traits investigated included, 16th week body weight of male and female, Age at sexual maturity, Livability, Egg weight, Egg production up to 40 weeks and Feed conversion ratio. The mean values of 16th week body weight of male and female, Age at sexual maturity and Egg productions (up to 40 weeks) were, 1.03±0.09 Kg, 0.86±0.06 Kg, and 185±4.1 days and 142±1.6 eggs respectively. Since it has better growth, egg production capability and disease resistance character, this dual-purpose bird is well received by farmers of Tenkasi districts of Tamil Nadu.
How to cite this article:
Leonal Rabins S, Joan Jose, S Sethupathi. Economic traits of TANUVAS Aseel on backyard rearing at Tenkasi district of Tamil Nadu. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(1S):182-185.