Studies on constraints faced by the gaushalas in Beed and Osmanabad Districts
Author(s): RS Akuskar, BM Thombre and DS Chauhan
Abstract: The present study entitled, “Studies on Management Practices Adopted by the Gaushalas in Beed and Osmanabad District” was conducted in Beed and Osmanabad districts of Marathwada region of Maharashtra. The present study elicits that the composition of herd maintained in all the Gaushalas, 96.68 percent comprised of indigenous cattle and 3.32 per cent of crossbred cattle. The milk production in large sized Gaushalas was more as compared to small and medium sized Gaushalas. In case of overall adoption of management practices, most of the large sized Gaushalas performed better than medium and small sized Gaushala. Then on-adoption of management practices in small and medium Gaushalas was attributed to lack of resources and adequate training facilities. The major constraints of Gaushalas were, ‘inferior quality of bulls’,’ limited access to veterinary services’ and ‘inadequate funds/capital and training’. The identified perceived important factors affecting the performance of Gaushalas were, ‘regular financial support’, ‘good infrastructural facilities ‘and ‘Government support for training and development’. The present study concludes that there is a strong need to sensitize and train the Gaushalas management about the good management practices through adequate extension, policy and financial support for holistic development of Gaushalas in our country.
How to cite this article:
RS Akuskar, BM Thombre, DS Chauhan. Studies on constraints faced by the gaushalas in Beed and Osmanabad Districts. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2024;9(1S):16-19.