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Vol. 8, Special Issue 6, Part A (2023)

Study of women entrepreneurs in access and control on resources

Author(s): Deepanka, A Singh, R Shehar and S Singh
Abstract: It refers to the rights possessed by women on farm assets and household assets to access and control in comparison with men. Access and control on resources was studied under two heads viz., farm assets and house hold assets. The average respondents have full 85.83 per cent control on chaff cutter and 14.17 per cent had partial, 80.00 per cent have full control on cattle sheds and 20.00 per cent had partial, 69.17 per cent have full control on pump and 30.83 per cent have partial, 54.17 per cent and 45.83 per cent had full and partial control on land and house respectively. Similar results were also reported by (Hasshmi et al., 1996) according to him “It appears that in situations where resources and opportunities are extremely scarce, men are more likely to appropriate women’s loans and incomes”. The result revealed that 70.00 per cent had full control on television and 30.00 per cent had partial, 69.17 per cent had full control on fan and 30.83 per cent had partial, 50.00 per cent and 50.00 per cent had full and partial control on refrigerator and cell phone respectively, where as 37.50 per cent had full control on radio and 62.50 per cent had partial. Similar results were also reported by Makita (2009). According to him the visibility and extent of women’s work influences substantially women decision-making power within the household. “A family member work is visible when his or her work is regarded as a significant and indispensable income source by other family members; other minor income sources are invisible.
Pages: 07-10  |  330 Views  2 Downloads

International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry
How to cite this article:
Deepanka, A Singh, R Shehar, S Singh. Study of women entrepreneurs in access and control on resources. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2023;8(6S):07-10.
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International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry