Awareness regarding biodegradable meat packaging among the stakeholders
Author(s): Aswini C, Naveen Z, Kumar K and Sudheer K
Abstract: Packaging is an essential and prominent component of food industry. Although conventional petro-chemical based packaging materials are economical and abundantly available, their non-degradable nature is of severe concern to the environmentalists in the current scenario. To combat this menace, bio-degradable materials are the possible substitutes. Meat packaging sector is very much familiar with, and already practicing bio-degradable packaging since long. However, the level of awareness among different stakeholders of packaging industry is ambiguous. In the current research an attempt has been made to assess the awareness regarding the biodegradable meat packaging among different key populaces associated with packaging sector. A questionnaire consisting 10 different questions was distributed randomly to collect the required data. Among the 134 responses received out of 200 respondents, majority of the scientific community are quite aware about the biodegradable packaging and the associated benefits in the food industry than the packaging retailers and manufacturers. Upon further statistical evaluation of the obtained data from 10 different questions using MANOVA, a significant difference (p<0.05) has been observed regarding different aspects pertaining to the awareness about biodegradable meat packaging among different target groups of packaging sect.
How to cite this article:
Aswini C, Naveen Z, Kumar K, Sudheer K. Awareness regarding biodegradable meat packaging among the stakeholders. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2023;8(6S):43-47.