Estimation of breeding value by using of BLUF and animal model for milk production and reproduction traits of HF herd in organized dairy farm in India
Author(s): Vipin Kumar Singh, Rampal Singh, Neeraj, Ramesh Pandey, Sabysachi Mukherjee, and Anupama Mukharjee
Abstract: Evaluation of production and reproduction traits of heifers is very important for life time traits selection. Aim of the present study is to evaluate the sires as well as dams so that we can achieve genetic improvement in less generation and can get more progeny with dam`s superior genetics as well.
Methods: The data for present investigation were collected from history sheets and daily milk yield records from year 2007 to 2014 of Holstein Frisian breed of cattle maintained Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm Manchar Pune. The study was on 973 dam record and 64 sire to study of Genetic and non-genetic factor effects on first lactation production reproduction traits and evaluation of sires and dam. Estimation of breeding value for traits used LSML mixed model (Harvey, 1990), animal model (Wombat, Meyer, 2007).
Results: The EBV for FLTMY ranged from 6315.10 kg to 4956.57 kg and average 5573.50 kg. EBV for FL300/305DMY by using of sires predicted though BLUP-sire model. The EBV for FL300/305DMYranged from 5758.55 kg to 4480.26 kg and average 5041.41 kg. The EBV for FDP ranged from 85.57 days to 133.46 days with average 109.02 days. The EBV for FLL ranged from 316.31 days to 368.09 days with average 334.65 days. The overall result indicated that sufficient variability for growth traits present in the herd that is important for bringing effective selection for sustainable milk production in dairy cattle genetic.
How to cite this article:
Vipin Kumar Singh, Rampal Singh, Neeraj, Ramesh Pandey, Sabysachi Mukherjee,, Anupama Mukharjee. Estimation of breeding value by using of BLUF and animal model for milk production and reproduction traits of HF herd in organized dairy farm in India. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2023;8(5S):222-226.