Nutgall (Rhus semialata) powder as a feed supplement in broiler chicken
Author(s): Bengia Kawak, Dr. Neilhouvotso Savino, Dr. Catherine Rutsa, KK Jha, Dr. Sanjoy Das and Dr. Sonbeer Chack
Abstract: The present research work entitled “Nutgall (Rhus semialata Murr.) Powder as a feed supplement in broiler chicken” was conducted to investigate the effects of different levels of nutgall powder on body weight, body weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion efficiency, carcass characteristics and mortality, blood profiles and economics of the broiler birds. A total of one hundred and twenty, day old broilers (Cobb-340Y) were equally assigned to the four-dietary treatment (T1, T2, T3 and T4) groups with five replicates per treatment following Complete Randomized Design. The treatments consisted of basal diet (Control) and basal diet with 3 g, 5 g and 7 g/kg sumac powder. The whole experimental period was for 42 days. Weekly body weight and feed intake was recorded daily. Body weight gain and feed conversion efficiency was calculated accordingly. Blood sample was collected at the end of the experimental period from two birds each treatment to evaluate Haematological and Biochemical blood parameters. On the 42nd day five birds from each treatment were sacrificed to evaluate the carcass characteristics. Statistical analysis indicated that supplementing nutgall powder had no effect on broiler body weight. Feed consumption was observed highest in control group. Body weight gain, Feed conversion efficiency, performance index significantly improved in broilers fed with 7 g of nutgall powder. Similarly, HDL, cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL constituents were influenced in broilers fed with 7 g nutgall powder. The blood constituents of Hb, RBC were observed better in control group whereas PCV and WBC in T2 group (3 g of nutgall powder). The net profit per kg birds was observed in decreasing order with the increased level of nutgall powder supplemented in the broiler diet. No mortality was observed during the entire experimental period. The results suggested that dietary inclusion of 7 g/kg nutgall powder can be used for the dietary supplementation of broiler birds.
How to cite this article:
Bengia Kawak, Dr. Neilhouvotso Savino, Dr. Catherine Rutsa, KK Jha, Dr. Sanjoy Das, Dr. Sonbeer Chack. Nutgall (Rhus semialata) powder as a feed supplement in broiler chicken. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2023;8(5S):205-209.