Vol. 8, Issue 5, Part E (2023)
Surgical management of Abomasal fistula due to gore injury in a male calf
Author(s): M Vigneswari, N Gurunathan, S Tina Roshini and N Aruljothi
Abstract: A 4 months old CBJ male calf was presented with a history of gore injury in the umbilicus. On clinical examination, fistulous tract with straw coloured fluid was noticed from the umbilicus. Surgical intervention of the fistula was carried out and on 10th postoperative day sutures were removed and animal made an uneventful recovery.
How to cite this article:
M Vigneswari, N Gurunathan, S Tina Roshini, N Aruljothi. Surgical management of Abomasal fistula due to gore injury in a male calf. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2023;8(5):279-280.