Abstract: During the study period (October, 2020 to May, 2021), a total number of 11,638 cases were registered of which 137 animals were affected by fracture in different species of animals, which accounted for an overall occurrence of 1.18%. The occurrence of fracture was highest in case of dogs (61.31%) followed by goat (19.71%), cattle (8.76%), cat (5.84%), birds (2.92%) and other species (10.22%). The occurrence of fracture was highest in age group of less than 3 years (44.05%). Fractures were most common in male (60.71%) and in concern of breeds non-descript (50%) dogs were most commonly affected followed by Labrador retriever (15.48%), German shepherd (13.10%) other breeds (10.71%), Spitz/Pomeranian (8.33%) and Rottweiler (2.38%). Radius- ulna (25%) was the most commonly affected bone followed by tibia (20.24%), femur (17.85%) and humerus (13.10%). Out of the 18 fracture cases, 44.45% of dogs were presented 1-3 days after injury followed by 33.33% were presented after 3 days of injury and 22.22% were presented immediately after injury. Based on type of fracture, transverse (55.55%) were the highest followed by oblique (16.67%), spiral (16.67%) and comminuted (11.11%).