Dystocia due to Schistosoma reflexus in a Nellore brown EWE: A case report
Author(s): K Jyothi, YV Pridhvidhar Reddy and K Sai Gunaranjan
Abstract: Schistosoma reflexus is a fetal congenital disorder seen most commonly in cattle but rarely observed in small ruminants. A Schistosoma reflexus presented with its extremities delivered successfully pervaginally in a pleuriparous Nellore Brown ewe was reported. All clinical parameters were within normal limits. Upon per-vaginal examination, the fetal head was present at the pelvic brim. Based on this, a tentative diagnosis of dystocia due to malpresentation was made.
K Jyothi, YV Pridhvidhar Reddy, K Sai Gunaranjan. Dystocia due to Schistosoma reflexus in a Nellore brown EWE: A case report. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2022;7(3):42-43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/veterinary.2022.v7.i3a.421