Surgical management of bilateral mandibular fracture in Buffalo
Author(s): RK Gosai, AN Patel, JB Patel, PT Sutaria and Abhishek M Patel
Abstract: Bilateral mandibular fracture was presented in 4 years old buffalo due to accidental injury. Radiographically the fracture was seen at the proximal one third of horizontal ramus of mandible. The fracture was stabilized with bilateral intramedullary pinning. Bilateral fracture in buffalo can be well managed with intramedullary pinning.
RK Gosai, AN Patel, JB Patel, PT Sutaria, Abhishek M Patel. Surgical management of bilateral mandibular fracture in Buffalo. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2021;6(5):17-19. DOI: