Abstract: Accidental fistulation of forestomachs in cattle is relatively infrequent. Trauma due to sharp objects can result in injuries even to the internal organs. Rumenotomy is a procedure to treat fistulation of forestomachs. This case report summarizes the management of traumatic rumen fistula between the left 11th and 12th intercostal space on cow admitted to VTH by performing rumenotomy. On examination, the rumen wall was found adhered to the flank wall at the wounded area and ruminal discharges from the injured site. The rumen was exteriorized through the left flank incision and from there, the fistula was sutured. The cutaneous wound between 11th and 12th ribs intercostal space was managed as an open wound, postoperative antibiotics were given intramuscularly daily for five days and after surgery amount of water and feed was limited at least for a week. Slight rumen tympany occurred after the first and second days of surgery. Sutures were removed on 12th postoperative day, the ruminal fistula was closed at 20th follow up day and the animal recovered completely. Hence, treating traumatic ruminal fistula by rumenotomy with good postoperative management could be considered as a successful surgical procedure.