Evaluation of malted Njigari sorghum cultivar (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) as a replacement of maize on the performance, carcass characteristics and internal organ weights of weaner rabbit
Author(s): Wafar RJ, Adi ZA, Tarimbuka LI, Antevy M, Sini T and Abdullahi U
Abstract: Thirty (30) weaner rabbits of mixed breeds and sexes were used to evaluate the effect of malted njigari sorghum cultivar as a replacement of maize on the growth performance, carcass characteristics, internal organ weights and economics of production. The weaner rabbits were randomly allotted to five treatment groups of six rabbits per treatment. The dietary treatments were replicated three times with each replicate having two (2) weaner rabbits. The weaner rabbits were fed five diets compounded using malted njigari sorghum cultivar (MNSC) to replace maize in diets at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% as. There were no significant (P>0.05) difference in the parameter evaluated for growth performance, carcass characteristics and organ weights. Feed cost/ kg significantly (P<0.05) reduced from N140.67 /kg in T1 (0%) to N80.54 /kg in T5 (100%) replacement level MNSC. Feed cost /kg gain (N/gain) was observed to higher in the maize based diet (control) compared those fed MNSC. The study showed that inclusion of malted njigari sorghum in weaner rabbit diet did not adversely affect growth performance, carcass characteristics, internal organ weights. It was concluded that malted njigari sorghum can be used to substitute maize in the diets of weaner rabbits.
How to cite this article:
Wafar RJ, Adi ZA, Tarimbuka LI, Antevy M, Sini T, Abdullahi U. Evaluation of malted Njigari sorghum cultivar (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) as a replacement of maize on the performance, carcass characteristics and internal organ weights of weaner rabbit. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2020;5(6):50-54.