Bacteriological quality of poultry meat in Nepal
Author(s): R Neupane and K Kaphle
Abstract: Poultry meat is one of the important sources of protein in under-developed countries like Nepal. In Nepal poultry contributes 4% of Gross Domestic Product. Bacteriological quality of poultry meat have been assessed by various researchers at a different time. To estimate the bacteriological load, TVC (Total viable Count), TCC (Total Coliform Count), Staphylococcal count etc. are used and for qualitative study different parameters like colony characteristics, biochemical reactions, enzymatic reactions, and antigenic characteristics are studied. Study of various research papers reveal that there is the high amount of bacterial load in terms of TVC, TCC and staphylococcal count and presence of different zoonotic bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcal aureus, Campylobactor spp. Bacterial isolates also have shown the Antimicrobial Resistance(AMR) pattern for different commercially used antibiotics like Amoxicillin, Tetracyclines, and others. Presence of High bacterial load and AMR bacteria in poultry meat had led to potential health issues. The rules, regulations, guidelines and standards related to poultry meat production, processing and selling are not implemented effectively. To ensure hygienic poultry meat, effective implementation of rules, regulations, and guidelines should be made and regular microbiological surveillance of poultry meat should be done.
How to cite this article:
R Neupane, K Kaphle. Bacteriological quality of poultry meat in Nepal. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2019;4(5):10-15.