Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part A (2018)
Surgical management of deep lacerated tongue in a red kandhari cow calf
Author(s): Dr. VD Aher, GP Dhage, Pradeep R Balage and Lokhande DS
Abstract: A 6 month old calf was presented with protruded tongue, blood tinged excessive salivation having deep lacerated wound at the lateral side of the anterior part of the tongue. The cause of injury might be some sharp object. The diagnosis was done by history and clinical examination. Pre surgical treatment was done to stabilize the animal and the cut portion was surgically corrected under influence of sedation with Xylaxine hydrochloride @ 0.1 mg/kg BW IM and local infiltration of 2% lignocaine hydrochloride. The mouth gag was applied and cotton bandage was tied at the base of tongue as tourniquet and to hold and pull the tongue and sutured by absorbable suture material. Sub-cuticular suture and simple interrupted suture techniques were used during surgery. Post-operatively, antibiotics and analgesic were given and advised owner offering for soft feed. Animal recovered quickly as healing of the oral cavity was very rapid.
How to cite this article:
Dr. VD Aher, GP Dhage, Pradeep R Balage, Lokhande DS. Surgical management of deep lacerated tongue in a red kandhari cow calf. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2018;3(2):14-15.