Abstract: A German shepherd dog of 7 years age was presented with a local swelling on the right arm region near scapula, edematous swollen right limb and lameness. On physical examination swollen area has crepitating sound with fluid filled inside it. Fine needle aspiration shows presence of serosangineous fluid with foul smell in it. Laboratory investigation revel normal blood profile with increased total leucocytes count, Creatinine kinase enzymes and Neutrophillia. Microscopical examination of fluid smear shows presence of Gram positive rods and gram negative Cocci. Culture results shows antibiotic sensitivity to Amoxicillin and streptomycin. Dog was treated with Cefpodoxime+ Clavunic acid along with supportive therapy and modified Robert Jones bandage for 3 days with insignificant results.
Addition of Meteronidazole and Amoxicillin+ Clavunic acid from 4th day significantly improve the wound healing and lameness in dog. The clinical and microscopical findings and treatment responsive to Amoxicillin + Metronidazole suggestive of myositis and myonecrosis caused by anaerobic gram positive gas producing long Rods- Clostridium Sp.