Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on growth and reproduction performance of Black Head Persian and Red Masai Sheep in Tanzania
Author(s): Germinus Bahati Tungu, George Cesilius Kifaro, Angaza Amos Gimbi, Maria Mashingo and Athumani Shabani Nguluma
Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of genetic and environmental factors on growth and reproduction performance of Red Masai (RM) and Black Head Persian (BHP) sheep in Tanzania. Data on weights at birth, weaning, 32, 48 and 72 weeks of age were analysed using Generalized Linear Models procedure of SAS. Breed, birth type, year, season and sex significantly (P<0.05) affected growth performance at all ages. BHP was superior to RM in all growth parameters and lambing interval (270 vs 275 days), while RM was superior to BHP in fertility rate (72 vs 70.8%), conception rate (72.9 vs 71.5%), age at first lambing (553 vs 620 days), litter size (1.03 vs 1.02) and low mortality rate (28.7 vs 35.8%) respectively. It was suggested to correct records for environmental factors before comparing lambs for selection. RM could be comparable to BHP on production for international markets
How to cite this article:
Germinus Bahati Tungu, George Cesilius Kifaro, Angaza Amos Gimbi, Maria Mashingo, Athumani Shabani Nguluma. Effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on growth and reproduction performance of Black Head Persian and Red Masai Sheep in Tanzania. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2017;2(5):04-10.