Socio-personal, communication and psychological profile affecting entrepreneurial behaviour of milk processors
Author(s): Ashok Baindha, Raj Kumar Berwal, Arvind Kumar, Gopal Sankhla and Vijay Kumar
Abstract: The entrepreneurs are key persons of any country for promoting economic growth and technological change. The appearance of their activities, i.e. the development of entrepreneurship is directly related to the socio-economic development of the society. Hence, the present study conducted in Karnal district of Haryana to study the communication and psychological profile of milk processors and their role in the development of entrepreneurship. Total 41 registered milk processors were selected from Karnal and interviewed for the study. The study results revealed that the majority of the respondents were middle aged, had medium family size, higher secondary level of formal education, medium experience in milk processing, milk processing as an occupation, no social participation, not undergone any training, medium gross annual income, medium mass media exposure, medium extension contact, medium economic motivation and medium market orientation. The profile traits of the respondents had positive and significant relationship with entrepreneurial behaviour of the respondents.
How to cite this article:
Ashok Baindha, Raj Kumar Berwal, Arvind Kumar, Gopal Sankhla, Vijay Kumar. Socio-personal, communication and psychological profile affecting entrepreneurial behaviour of milk processors. Int J Vet Sci Anim Husbandry 2017;2(2):39-43.